What do you, as a crafter, do when you receive handmade gifts you don't want or can't use?

What do you, as a crafter, do when you receive handmade gifts you don't want or can't use?

I agonize over this.

I know how much time and energy and sometimes expense goes into handmade items. I have gifted my share of handmade items, which I dearly hope people have been pleased to receive (though I certainly know well the anxiety of giving handmade gifts). I've been the recipient of handmade items I absolutely treasure.

I have also been the recipient of handmade items that I just... Have no use for. Some of them quite beautiful and well made. Some of them beautiful only really for the time and care put into them. I feel bad getting rid of them, because they were gifts and I know what went into them. But they end up stuffed into boxes and in the backs of closets and gathering dust and taking up space which I honestly don't have to spare... And I feel bad about that too.

So I want to know from some fellow crafters, what do you do with handmade gifts that don't really have a place in your life?

submitted by /u/queersparrow
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/3DwjQtG
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