HELP!!! This is a pattern that I’m trying to complete, and somewhere between the 2nd and 9th rows I’m adding a stitch, causing me to have to skip a stitch later on to keep stitch count. Does this pattern make sense? Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong?

HELP!!! This is a pattern that I’m trying to complete, and somewhere between the 2nd and 9th rows I’m adding a stitch, causing me to have to skip a stitch later on to keep stitch count. Does this pattern make sense? Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong?

HELP!!! This is a pattern that I’m trying to complete, and somewhere between the 2nd and 9th rows I’m adding a stitch, causing me to have to skip a stitch later on to keep stitch count. Does this pattern make sense? Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong? submitted by /u/madiilax
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