Looking for advice! I’m using a simple pattern for this stocking, but am really wanting to add a letter onto it. I’ve never done any deviation before, or a lot of frequent yarn changing. Do you think it’s possible with this FPDC/DC pattern in the ‘leg’?

Looking for advice! I’m using a simple pattern for this stocking, but am really wanting to add a letter onto it. I’ve never done any deviation before, or a lot of frequent yarn changing. Do you think it’s possible with this FPDC/DC pattern in the ‘leg’?

Looking for advice! I’m using a simple pattern for this stocking, but am really wanting to add a letter onto it. I’ve never done any deviation before, or a lot of frequent yarn changing. Do you think it’s possible with this FPDC/DC pattern in the ‘leg’? submitted by /u/madalyn131
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