Hey guys! Sorry for the personal question, but, anybody else crochet their own lingerie?

Hey guys! Sorry for the personal question, but, anybody else crochet their own lingerie?

Like legit NSFW lingerie sets? I don't mean to overshare in a hobby group, but my husband is losing his SHIT over my ability to do this. He loves sitting next to me while I make the sets, loves seeing them, and he tells me it makes him feel like the most special person alive. Win win win.

I'm just wondering how many people are doing this because I have never once seen a pattern for the kinds of pieces I'm doing. BUT that could just be because people don't want to share their nudes in crafting groups, so how would I know without asking? Wish I could show y'all what I'm referring to but I, too, prefer not to be naked on the internet

submitted by /u/TinyFluffyMagda
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