Help finding yarn

Help finding yarn

I am 3 balls short, 2 if I simplify the finish, from completing a poncho that was intended as a gift. "No problem, just go to the site and get another couple balls"

Premiere yarn Sofie in the colour "Breeze", its sold out. So dear r/crochet redditors if any of you happen to have a ball, a partial ball or a couple balls of this I am willing to even have it sent c.o.d. to me in the Canadian Maritimes. This yarn in case there is confusion

Yes I know I can order it online from but there is an increase in price by 10$ a ball.

If someone knows of another distributor that will be available to a Canadian without it being ridiculously expensive compared to Premiere's pricing please let me know

submitted by /u/passiontiger74
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