Pokémon patterns?

Pokémon patterns?

This is a goal project of mine. I have a chronic pain condition that is helped by crocheting or knitting. I also have a friend who loves Pokémon. Call since I almost never know what to do with my projects after I’ve completed them, i’d like to create these so I can gift them to my friend.

I’ve seen a lot of people make crocheted Pokémon, but I was wondering if there were any actual patterns floating around. I would be happy to pay for them!

submitted by /u/kizhang05
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from newest submissions : crochet https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/comments/l9q5p0/pokémon_patterns/
Had to pull out 14” 🤦🏻‍♀️

Had to pull out 14” 🤦🏻‍♀️

Currently working on a cable stitch scarf and after crocheting for a few hours today I noticed an error 14” from where I currently was. It was not a huge error and most people would not notice. However my OCD would not let me move on. Ugh. I was 12” from being done too. 😭

submitted by /u/daviscait
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Baby blanket and lovey pattern ideas for 3 boys

Baby blanket and lovey pattern ideas for 3 boys

Hi everyone! 26F here, and proud auntie!

Two of my sisters are due to give birth, one very soon to a singleton boy and the other to identical twin boys probably in April! 😊😊😊

In my family growing up we were all girls, and I have one niece already, so these are the first baby boys to be born in my branch in a long time and I want to do something nice for them and make some blankets.

Anyway, I'm looking for cute crochet ideas for baby blankets and lovey toys I can make for boys. They would hopefully be similar but not identical, and it would be lovely to possibly find a design that would lend itself to applique of their names. I don't mind paying for patterns if they're cute and available in digital form.

I've got experience making baby blankets in C2C as well as plenty of past experience with amigurumi (though its been a few years since I've made one so nothing too complicated).

Any ideas and inspiration is appreciated!

submitted by /u/KnottilyMessy
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Chestnut red yarn, help?

Chestnut red yarn, help?

So I have recently met one of the most helpful, kind, and understanding people at my job. He taught me a lot of stuff and one of the little details I know about him is he absolutely adores chestnut horses. So I want to make him one but I can’t seem to find the kind of red/orange/brown mix that wouldn’t come out looking like a bay/brown or fire engine red/orange.


submitted by /u/Nesrynn
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Hello my new crochet best friends! I am asking for advice on finding yarn for the afghan I am planning.

Hello my new crochet best friends! I am asking for advice on finding yarn for the afghan I am planning.

Hi all! I'm new to this sub, but not exactly new to crochet. I put my hook down about 8 years ago but I am back! I would say I am an advanced beginner, or even intermediate. I need advice on finding "fingering, 4-ply yarn" to make a Christmas granny square afghan for my sister's new home. I found the pattern in an old issue of Crochet World Magazine. Yes, I know it's only January but I need to plan! The pattern calls for the colors of "soft white, soft navy, paddy green, burgundy and hunter green." I am having a hard time finding these colors in 4-ply. I have looked at all the usual yarn sites. Also it doesn't indicate if it should be acrylic, or wool, or blended? Can anyone please advise me? (I hope I didn't break any rules. I did read the rules before I posted.) Thank you!

submitted by /u/gortinseguaire
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Ambidextrous Crochet (with a twist)

Ambidextrous Crochet (with a twist)

Short story: Started a new pattern that said “DO NOT TURN WORK” I grew up ambidextrous so I tried to go back using left hand. It worked out but found when crocheting left hand i used pencil grip, and when crocheting right handed I use a knife grip. Anyone else crochet with both hands and find this to be the case?

Long Story: Growing up I was predominantly left handed, however teachers and coaches forced me to do things right handed. So Im ambidextrous for many things, however some things i can only do left or right handed. For example, with baseball I catch and throw right handed (cannot throw left) but I bat left handed (cannot bat right handed) same with golf. But basketball I can shoot both hands. Using scissors only right handed, but writing i can use both (preference of left )

So what does this have to do with crochet? First i crochet right handed. i started a new pattern that said DO NOT TURN WORK. So I didnt know what to do. I decided lets try going back with the left hand. Here is where i found it interesting. Yes i could crochet left handed just find but with my left hand I naturally crochet with a pencil grip but with my right hand I crochet with a knife grip.

I think it stems from that i am dominantly left handed for writing so I hold hook like a pencil, but eating I am still left handed so fork is left hand to eat and i cut using right hand thus knife hold for right hand.

submitted by /u/tr3y003
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Can't get the yarn I need - can I substitute a different weight?

Can't get the yarn I need - can I substitute a different weight?

I am absolute beginner - started about a week ago. I've embarked on my first project which is a small honeycomb style blanket made of hexagons.

The problem is I have used up the yarn I have and am only about 1/3 of the way done in the project. Apparently the yarn I bought isnt too common where I am (Australia) - it is a 10ply/medium weight/aran yarn. The place where I bought the yarn is out of stock in my area, their warehouse is out of stock, and they did not know if or when that yarn would be avaliable again. I'm not finding anywhere online that I can purchase a comparable yarn without it taking weeks to arrive and costing a fortune in shipping.

My question is can I use an 8ply or 12 ply yarn (1 size up or down from my current yarn) to make more hexagons that will be compatible with the ones I already have? I used a 4.5mm hook with 10ply yarn. If I used a 4mm hook with 12 ply or a 5mm hook with 8ply, would that make hexagons similar in size to the ones I have?

Is there anything I can do or should I just start over with a more easily accessible type of yarn?

submitted by /u/saphieten
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Question on Annie’s kit clubs - block of the month

Question on Annie’s kit clubs - block of the month

Hello! My mother started the Annie’s kit clubs block of the month in the gray color. She canceled it 1/2 way through and gave me what she had purchased so I could make it. She apparently also bought the remaining kits off eBay or somewhere.

I’m missing the kit for blocks 25-27 which includes the exclusive to the kit color Donahue. Are there places I might be able to purchase just that particular kit besides keeping an eye out on eBay? That’s the only missing section that I need. I know I could buy the pattern alone that’s similar but the color in that particular kit is exclusive and can’t be purchased, this is why I’d like to purchase this specific section of the kit.

Any help / suggestions would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/Poledancing-ninja
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