I'm making crochet plushies!

I'm making crochet plushies!

It would mean a lot to me if you checked out my shop! It's always been my dream to sell something I'm really proud of, and now I can finally start that journey! Crocheting has been a big thing for me, and I honestly never though I'd be able to do it. But now I'm making stingrays, bees, octopi, turtles, whales and so much more!

Thank you so much if you check it out! Any feedback here would be greatly appreciated as well :)


submitted by /u/Sangwoosbestie
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/3rQw7H8
Advice Needed

Advice Needed

I decided to try the temperature blanket idea. To make it personal I decided to start my 'year' on the day I met this person years ago to commemorate our first year of friendship when we were kids.

I chose to do a double crochet/granny style stitch. I started using temperature data from Sept 1 and Im now halfway though February. I was wrong in choosing a double crochet stitch, it is getting so long! I decided to just go until June (we met in school so I can spin it as our first school year together), but I worry even that will be too long.

Right now it as long as from my toes to shoulders. Do I just go to June and have an extra long blanket? I debated starting to skip days, but I won't like knowing I did that. Are there any options, or is it better to stick to my pattern and if its looooong for a blanket, than so be it?

submitted by /u/sebastianrileyt2
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/3IqMeRD
Help finding yarn

Help finding yarn

I am 3 balls short, 2 if I simplify the finish, from completing a poncho that was intended as a gift. "No problem, just go to the site and get another couple balls"

Premiere yarn Sofie in the colour "Breeze", its sold out. So dear r/crochet redditors if any of you happen to have a ball, a partial ball or a couple balls of this I am willing to even have it sent c.o.d. to me in the Canadian Maritimes. This yarn in case there is confusion

Yes I know I can order it online from Walmart.ca but there is an increase in price by 10$ a ball.

If someone knows of another distributor that will be available to a Canadian without it being ridiculously expensive compared to Premiere's pricing please let me know

submitted by /u/passiontiger74
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/3lInmL9


In this thread, feel free to promote your crochet or yarn-related goodies!

  1. Please state if you are promoting yourself or someone else's stuff.
  2. Please describe exactly what it is that you are promoting.
  3. If you are selling or trading something, please let us know when that item is gone.
  4. Please remember that we are all equal here, so no downvoting others in an attempt to make your comment more visible.
submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/3ow7P2W
Just pulled out an old top that I got bored with halfway through. My sister wants me to finish it for her Christmas present and I spent all today working on it…. Only I USED THE WRONG HOOK SIZE! Now I have to frog my entire days work and restart. Any emotional support would be greatly appreciated.

Just pulled out an old top that I got bored with halfway through. My sister wants me to finish it for her Christmas present and I spent all today working on it…. Only I USED THE WRONG HOOK SIZE! Now I have to frog my entire days work and restart. Any emotional support would be greatly appreciated.

Just pulled out an old top that I got bored with halfway through. My sister wants me to finish it for her Christmas present and I spent all today working on it…. Only I USED THE WRONG HOOK SIZE! Now I have to frog my entire days work and restart. Any emotional support would be greatly appreciated. submitted by /u/Accomplished_Deer1
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/3DEAQ0V
What do you do with all your finished objects?

What do you do with all your finished objects?

I make amigurumi, baby blankets, and just whatever pattern catches my eye. But I don't always have a use for the things I make so they just end up in a pile in the corner.

Like I made three baby blankets late 2020 and there is only one baby in my family and none of my friends are having babies yet. And since I have no self-control, especially when it comes to yarn, I keep buying the same baby blanket yarn in different colours because they are pretty. I have enough yarn to make three more baby blankets. But there are no babies for the baby blankets.

submitted by /u/MathDoesNotSuck
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/31yGeFg
I’m trying to make a Christmas gift for a family member I need advice

I’m trying to make a Christmas gift for a family member I need advice

I’m planning on making a purse/ tote bag and I was wanting to go with a granny square design but I’m not completely sure how to make it cause the colors she likes are muave, olive green, and mustard yellow. I’m not sure what colors to use cause some of the colors wouldn’t look well together and I need around 3 different colors for the design I want to use. So if u have ideas of colors that go well with any of the colors I listed let me know

submitted by /u/Woopadoopy45
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/3opGYFz
Hey guys! Sorry for the personal question, but, anybody else crochet their own lingerie?

Hey guys! Sorry for the personal question, but, anybody else crochet their own lingerie?

Like legit NSFW lingerie sets? I don't mean to overshare in a hobby group, but my husband is losing his SHIT over my ability to do this. He loves sitting next to me while I make the sets, loves seeing them, and he tells me it makes him feel like the most special person alive. Win win win.

I'm just wondering how many people are doing this because I have never once seen a pattern for the kinds of pieces I'm doing. BUT that could just be because people don't want to share their nudes in crafting groups, so how would I know without asking? Wish I could show y'all what I'm referring to but I, too, prefer not to be naked on the internet

submitted by /u/TinyFluffyMagda
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/31yQXPW
Simple Questions Thread

Simple Questions Thread

This thread is for simple, quick questions that you may have. This includes questions on crochet techniques, "identify this yarn/stitch/pattern", and tutorial recommendations. We all want a diversified opinion, so feel free to answer any questions (of which you can provide the answer). Since this thread is likely to fill up quickly, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/3IpXMob
What do you, as a crafter, do when you receive handmade gifts you don't want or can't use?

What do you, as a crafter, do when you receive handmade gifts you don't want or can't use?

I agonize over this.

I know how much time and energy and sometimes expense goes into handmade items. I have gifted my share of handmade items, which I dearly hope people have been pleased to receive (though I certainly know well the anxiety of giving handmade gifts). I've been the recipient of handmade items I absolutely treasure.

I have also been the recipient of handmade items that I just... Have no use for. Some of them quite beautiful and well made. Some of them beautiful only really for the time and care put into them. I feel bad getting rid of them, because they were gifts and I know what went into them. But they end up stuffed into boxes and in the backs of closets and gathering dust and taking up space which I honestly don't have to spare... And I feel bad about that too.

So I want to know from some fellow crafters, what do you do with handmade gifts that don't really have a place in your life?

submitted by /u/queersparrow
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/3DwjQtG