Help with Berry Hat pattern by Bobbi Intveld

Help with Berry Hat pattern by Bobbi Intveld

I received this pattern in a mystery project bag and it includes instructions on how to create a puff stitch but I'm having trouble understanding them. The instructions are as follows: "Insert hook in next space pull up loop and elongate (about an inch), YO, * insert hook in same sp pull up loop and elongate about 1 inch), YO rep from * 2 more times, YO and pull through 6 loops, ch 2." After reading through this a few times I cannot figure out how it would be possible to end up with 6 loops on the hook after all that, unless you're meant to leave some of the loops on the hook. I figure there's either a typo in the pattern or I'm too sleepy to comprehend it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/SatansLeftFoot
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