project disappointment, anyone else ?

project disappointment, anyone else ?

So I completed the spiderdream top by Daniele. I had loads of fun making it and it turned out exactly like it was meant too, it looks great hanging up and when looking at the details. looks awful on. I have tried it on 3 different body types in my household and it still looks awful. It looks like a child costume. I though maybe it was the colours (mint fading into light blue and then dark blue) but those colours typically suit me and my sister. Its like seeing a stunnjng dress on a hanger in the store and loving it there but the minute you try it on at home it looks awful all of a sudden. I had fun making this and was really excited to wear it and I had been trying it on throughout where it did look like it would turn out cute and but now its so disappointing. Has this happened to anyone else ? I gave it to my mother in the end cause she will wear anythings and i didnt want to unravel it(i love her but she dresses like a bag lady) but my god I hope she doesn't tell anyone I made it.

submitted by /u/TFeary1992
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