Trouble Sizing My First Sweater!

Trouble Sizing My First Sweater!

Okay, so, I'm making my first sweater and am thinking myself in circles trying to figure which size will fit me properly. I've taken my bust measurement and it hits a sweet (more like sour) spot right between two given sizes. The finished bust for the smaller size is about two inches less than my bust, while the finished bust for the larger size is about five inches more than my bust.

First, I started with the smaller size and was worried that it would be too tight. After that I frogged and started over with the larger size and was worried that it would be way too big. I don't want to have spent hours of time and gallons of tears on a finished product I hate the look of and won't wear. OTL

Would making the smaller size with a bigger hook help? What can I do?

submitted by /u/velveteencardium
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