Feeling guilty about compliments on my FOs?

Feeling guilty about compliments on my FOs?

Is it just me or does anyone else feel slightly guilty about getting compliments regarding a FO that was made with someone else's pattern?

For example: A couple of months ago, I made a cute duckling hat for my cousin's baby shower using a pattern I found online. My mom ended up posting a picture of it to her Facebook and I ended up getting a dozen or so comments about how "talented" I was.

I just follow other people's patterns...I don't necessarily consider that to be talent. So then I felt guilty, because I think everyone was assuming that I came up with the idea on my own and that the design was my own original creation.

I get the "talent" comment a lot regarding my FOs and I always feel obliged to follow up with clarification that it was not my original design nor idea. Otherwise, I'd feel like I've mislead people into thinking that I am a lot more talented than I actually am.

submitted by /u/starexalt
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