Does anyone know what this is?? One of my friend's grandparents recently passed away so she gave me all their yarn and unfinished projects. Ive been continuing a bit of the pattern on the edge but im not really sure what it is. I was thinking a tree skirt or something? But im really not sure

Does anyone know what this is?? One of my friend's grandparents recently passed away so she gave me all their yarn and unfinished projects. Ive been continuing a bit of the pattern on the edge but im not really sure what it is. I was thinking a tree skirt or something? But im really not sure

Does anyone know what this is?? One of my friend's grandparents recently passed away so she gave me all their yarn and unfinished projects. Ive been continuing a bit of the pattern on the edge but im not really sure what it is. I was thinking a tree skirt or something? But im really not sure submitted by /u/cez240
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