Newbie looking for shawl/lap blanket ideas

Newbie looking for shawl/lap blanket ideas

Hello wise yarn wizards! I learned to crochet recently from watching YouTube videos. I’m working on a simple scarf for my 4 year old (who will be thrilled no matter what it looks like, God bless that tiny human), but next I would love to make a simple shawl or lap blanket for my mom. She’s most often in a recliner and likes to have something to throw across her shoulders. Are there any particular stitches you think would work best for an absolute newbie to make a basic small blanket? Any yarns better or worse? I’d love something machine washable, as minimally fussy as possible to clean. I feel totally out of my depth but don’t have anyone to ask my millions of questions! Thank you!

submitted by /u/beyourownLeslieKnope
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