New to crochet

New to crochet

This is my first post ever here on Reddit so bear with me! I just have noticed this is a very open and friendly community and figured this is a great place for questions

I’m brand new to crochet, just got some hooks, have some very basic yarn and a yearning to start something. I knit, but find it so boring, and I’m worried I’ll feel the same about crochet if I have to start with hats and scarves. So my questions are.. - what are good projects to start with for a beginner? I will do hats and scarves if that’s what I have to do - favorite yarn to use? Any to stay away from? - who do you recommend to watch tutorials - any pattern makers you love? - I have a 7 week old baby, will I even have time for this? TYIA and for any advice I receive!

submitted by /u/Gloomy_Cow_3643
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