Is it me or the yarn?! Lion Brand Mandala Yarn!!

Is it me or the yarn?! Lion Brand Mandala Yarn!!

I'm trying to learn the puff flower stitch. The only yarn I can practice stuff with is this Mandala yarn by Lion Brand.

I'm trying to do 4 single crochets and then go into the first one to make a circle. But oh my God the yarn is so tiny I just can't do this??? The stitches are either so anal I can't see where to put my hook/it's too tight, or it's so loose that when I start my double crochets it's just messed up. Idk what to do lol.

Is this yarn just too small or what?? I'm using recommended book size, 5mm. I tried 4mm, 4.5mm, and 5.5mm and it's all the same problem. Is it me or is this yarn just too small for this stitch??


submitted by /u/empress-qiyana
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