Hi! It's been two or three days since I started crocheting. I just want to ask if my continuation on the front post double stitch is correct. There are many yt videos but most only work on it for one chain. If you have any advice or resources for this stitch it would be really helpful, thanks!

Hi! It's been two or three days since I started crocheting. I just want to ask if my continuation on the front post double stitch is correct. There are many yt videos but most only work on it for one chain. If you have any advice or resources for this stitch it would be really helpful, thanks!

Hi! It's been two or three days since I started crocheting. I just want to ask if my continuation on the front post double stitch is correct. There are many yt videos but most only work on it for one chain. If you have any advice or resources for this stitch it would be really helpful, thanks! submitted by /u/BzzzBzzzzzzz
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