

So for the longest, I have not been able to figure out how to make shoes, hats, gloves or almost anything wearable (have not tried cardigans or anything more advanced yet) and I was wondering what are some tips to make it easier? I would love to be able to make them so when I have children I can make cute little outfits for them.

submitted by /u/PlatformNo2652
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/3F37gnA
Help with dolls?

Help with dolls?

So I'm thinking of making dolls, but their faces would be kinda complex, as they would be based off robots. Does anyone have good patterns for bots, especially with big heads? I plan on embroidering the faces as well but the ones I have planned have lots of little bits. Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/Lumistella
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/3kSv856
Opinions and advice please! Is S-lon/C-lon good for crochet? If so, any recommendations for sellers that have every color of the rainbow (just the 'straight' colors and not off shades, gradients, etc.) plus white, brown, and black?

Opinions and advice please! Is S-lon/C-lon good for crochet? If so, any recommendations for sellers that have every color of the rainbow (just the 'straight' colors and not off shades, gradients, etc.) plus white, brown, and black?

Everything I see online around S-lon/C-lon use in craft projects seems to point to things like kumihimo, macrame, friendship bracelets, and beading/bead weaving but not just straight crochet. I'm making a really nice mala with some relatively big, heavy beads (gemstone, 18x14mm, ~2mm hole diameter) and realized I'd like to crochet a nice, sturdy bag to store it in when not in use. The color theme I'm making my mala in is rainbow-plus: the beads I'm using are 12 sequences of 9 beads in white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, and black.

If S-lon/C-lon is a good material for this project, I'd like to find all of these same colors of cord as the beads to keep the crocheted bag with the same rainbow-plus color theme; however, I'm having difficulty finding sellers online (including both online-only like Amazon and online stores of brick-and-mortar businesses like Joann and Michael's) that carry all of these colors. I'm seeing lots of sellers with more creative shades of color (e.g. peach, rose, sky blue) and 4-6 spool sets with color themes (i.e. several different shades of one or two colors) but am actually having trouble finding all of just the 'straight' rainbow colors either available separately or as a set. The closest I've been able to find is something from a seller called PandaHall on Amazon, but it's not technically S-lon/C-lon, so I'm leary of the quality.

I would prefer to be able to buy smaller amounts of each of these if possible (i.e. 77 yards or less) but am willing to invest the money if only larger spools are available. I'm also willing to try other similar materials to S-lon/C-lon if anyone has recommendations. I have a wide range of crochet hook sizes but am looking to work with a medium-lighter nylon cord weight between 0.5 mm and 1.5 mm. If this type of cord wouldn't be good to work with, I can always just go with cotton crochet thread, which I am very familiar with from past projects, but I just felt the desire to explore working with this material which I am not yet familiar with.

submitted by /u/ravenmade_rebel
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/3FeTChp
Messy edges + border = ?

Messy edges + border = ?

So I'm working on a new project, my first shawl. I'm pretty sure I'm following the pattern correctly but my edges aren't uniform. I'm trying hard not to start all over again (trying to "embrace" my mistakes and lessen obsessiveness). Do you think that a border on a finished project can cover a multitude of stitch sins? TYIA!!

submitted by /u/Successful-Mud684
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/2XYeh84
What did I do wrong?

What did I do wrong?

What did I do wrong?

Hi everyone! I was hoping someone could tell me why my head (left) is shaped differently than the original. I followed the pattern exactly. I'm thinking of doing it again if enough yarn is left, but I'm unsure how to improve... Thanks so much!


submitted by /u/Mirremba
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/3olMbib
Hey guys! I found this really great website for free crochet patterns. It has a search function that's amazing! You can put so many different options - yarn weight, yardage, pattern type, etc... just thought I'd share as I've never seen it talked about on here.

Hey guys! I found this really great website for free crochet patterns. It has a search function that's amazing! You can put so many different options - yarn weight, yardage, pattern type, etc... just thought I'd share as I've never seen it talked about on here.

submitted by /u/Cool-Peach9832
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/3m3RsIy
Where to start?

Where to start?

I'm a knitter who has caught the crochet bug, but has only crocheted edgings so far. I'm having trouble 'reading' the stitches when I try to crochet anything more complex.

What are your favorite easy patterns? What yarns might be better (I'm usually a wool fan)? Any recommended tutorials for noobs?

submitted by /u/d8DC
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/3zH22di
help with items for a craft fair

help with items for a craft fair

so this spring and summer i want to sell my crochet in a craft fair or farmers market, but i’m struggling to decide what i want to make. i’ve finally got time to prepare and make things in advance and i’m drawing a blank! i usually make (warm weather) clothing and i’ve never even attempted amigurumi, but i’m not really opposed to that!

this will be my first time selling so i want to be prepared. if anyone has any tips in pricing or just anything helpful please let me know too!

submitted by /u/ionlylikemyself
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/2WhGqGG
I want to create a sweater for my friend.

I want to create a sweater for my friend.

Hello, I'm new for crocheting, I have know that there are different types of yarn, but now I'm looking for light and soft one which its price is not too expensive, I will use it to make a sweater for my best friend. can anyone give me an advice, please?

submitted by /u/PartySweetLove
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/3uk9s5i


In this thread, feel free to promote your crochet or yarn-related goodies!

  1. Please state if you are promoting yourself or someone else's stuff.
  2. Please describe exactly what it is that you are promoting.
  3. If you are selling or trading something, please let us know when that item is gone.
  4. Please remember that we are all equal here, so no downvoting others in an attempt to make your comment more visible.
submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/3ibM8l8
Hi! It's been two or three days since I started crocheting. I just want to ask if my continuation on the front post double stitch is correct. There are many yt videos but most only work on it for one chain. If you have any advice or resources for this stitch it would be really helpful, thanks!

Hi! It's been two or three days since I started crocheting. I just want to ask if my continuation on the front post double stitch is correct. There are many yt videos but most only work on it for one chain. If you have any advice or resources for this stitch it would be really helpful, thanks!

Hi! It's been two or three days since I started crocheting. I just want to ask if my continuation on the front post double stitch is correct. There are many yt videos but most only work on it for one chain. If you have any advice or resources for this stitch it would be really helpful, thanks! submitted by /u/BzzzBzzzzzzz
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/3EYGeh1
Decreasing sleeves help!

Decreasing sleeves help!

I’ve constructed a yoke-down square cardigan and now it’s time to move onto the sleeves, however, the tutorial I followed doesn’t have any instructions for sleeves! Previously I’ve made baby cardigans which just decrease at the beginning and end of each row as it is worked into the cardigan - would it be the same for an adult one until I reach desired size?? Thanks!

submitted by /u/Equivalent_Product46
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/39Hg1oY
Is it me or the yarn?! Lion Brand Mandala Yarn!!

Is it me or the yarn?! Lion Brand Mandala Yarn!!

I'm trying to learn the puff flower stitch. The only yarn I can practice stuff with is this Mandala yarn by Lion Brand.

I'm trying to do 4 single crochets and then go into the first one to make a circle. But oh my God the yarn is so tiny I just can't do this??? The stitches are either so anal I can't see where to put my hook/it's too tight, or it's so loose that when I start my double crochets it's just messed up. Idk what to do lol.

Is this yarn just too small or what?? I'm using recommended book size, 5mm. I tried 4mm, 4.5mm, and 5.5mm and it's all the same problem. Is it me or is this yarn just too small for this stitch??


submitted by /u/empress-qiyana
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/2We7IxB