I'm not sure if I messed up

I'm not sure if I messed up

So I'm working on a blanket for my girlfriend, and I think I messed up. I did a slip know and ran a good chain, I even ended up making a single crochet. I wasn't sure what to do next, so I kept doing what I was doing. I now have 5 and a half rows of single crochet, but my first row has a bunch of waves in it and the top of the half layer is curling in on itself. Did I break it?

submitted by /u/Geno922
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Cardigan too heavy?

Cardigan too heavy?

I am finishing making my very first cardigan in a category 5 yarn and when I put it on to finalize the measurements and sizing it is soooooooo heavy and the stitches are pulling. Is this just because the yarn is so heavy? Or just the fact that it took 9 skeins? πŸ˜… anything I can do now to help it out?

submitted by /u/Netflixaddict2
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In this thread, feel free to promote your crochet or yarn-related goodies!

  1. Please state if you are promoting yourself or someone else's stuff.
  2. Please describe exactly what it is that you are promoting.
  3. If you are selling or trading something, please let us know when that item is gone.
  4. Please remember that we are all equal here, so no downvoting others in an attempt to make your comment more visible.
submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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does crocheting feel like it takes really long?

does crocheting feel like it takes really long?

ok quick question do you guys actually enjoy crocheting like genuinely asking not trying to be rude, because for me i like the product but the actual crochet feels tedious and exhausting to me and is that like a normal reaction to crocheting? like i know i have no patience but it feels excruciatingly long to me and i would say im around average speed when making things

submitted by /u/disappointmentass
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/31a5AJg
Present ideas!

Present ideas!

Hi everyone! I’m a 21 year old relatively-new crocheter (it’s been about a year). I recently showed my grandad some of my crochet and he said it reminded him of some work his mother used to do. His 80th birthday is sometime mid January, and I would really love to make him something, but I’m at a loss as of what to do!

Does anyone have any ideas? (PS I’m in Australia where it’s summer, so scarves/ beanies are probably a no-go!)

submitted by /u/lliamonade
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making the lex crop top from wool and the gang

making the lex crop top from wool and the gang

The lex crop top is a free pattern from wool and the gang and I’ve followed the instructions for the large size. I’m coming up on the final steps for the bulk of the work and it’s looking super small. I’m worried this thing won’t even cover my boobs lol

submitted by /u/dagwoodcooper
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/3DZ25Ea
Simple Questions Thread

Simple Questions Thread

This thread is for simple, quick questions that you may have. This includes questions on crochet techniques, "identify this yarn/stitch/pattern", and tutorial recommendations. We all want a diversified opinion, so feel free to answer any questions (of which you can provide the answer). Since this thread is likely to fill up quickly, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/3IdD3nx
Help? Gift recommendation for beginner. Sorry and thank you.

Help? Gift recommendation for beginner. Sorry and thank you.

If your sub is anything like r/golf, I’m sure you’re getting bombarded with people asking for gift recommendations. Sorry to add to that. πŸ˜€

My wife has expressed an interest in learning to crochet. I’d like to get her some equipment and materials so she can get started as a Christmas gift.

I’d like to make a little gift box for her with everything she needs to make a scarf. As she progresses, I’m sure she’ll have fun researching and getting deep into the hobby. Just want to set her up to succeed with her first project!

What needs to be in the box?


PS: I read through the FAQ, but I’m still unsure of what to get.

submitted by /u/MochiAnPan
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/3p9DQwH
Sloppy Edges...?

Sloppy Edges...?

Knitter here... I like to slip the first stitch in every row when I knit to create a clean and neat edge. Is there a similar technique for crochet? My edges always look so sloppy... They're straight, I'm not dropping/picking up stitches, they just look... knobbly. Any tips for a more professional looking finish?

submitted by /u/sjmulkerin
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/3nZomfr
Where to begin as a beginner?

Where to begin as a beginner?

Hi everyone! According to my partner, I spend way too much time on my phone and need to pick up a hobby. I’ve been seeing really cool crochet projects and really want to give it a try. Does anyone have any recommendations on what I need to purchase? Amazon is pressuring me to buy a pack of 50 needles and 50 balls of tiny yarns (which I’m not sure if that’s right for a beginner). If you have any recommendations on what I need to get as a starter, please share (Amazon links preferred). I’m interested in making some grocery bags, tiny wearables and in the future some plushies. Would love to get some help mastering the basics first though. Thanks!

submitted by /u/yoyoyomonkeysss
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/3G88A8z
Gift Ideas - Angel Tree

Gift Ideas - Angel Tree

Hello! I adopted a 76-year-old woman as my Salvation Army Angel Tree for this Christmas. She’d like “Simple Crochet Patterns” as her wish gift item. I’m having the hardest time finding a good crochet pattern book that would be perfect for this. Any suggestions would be excellent as I know nothing about crochet. Thank you so much!! Merry Christmas!

submitted by /u/warrior_willow
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/3CRNM2T
Question about sewing

Question about sewing

The pattern for this vest says to pick up stitches after the bottom ribbing (single cr BLO) to do the large checkers (double cr), but carrying the yarn to do the checkers seems like a waste and seems like it would make the vest hot. I want to try making the big checkers as separate squares and then sew them together and to the bottom ribbing. Is there a way to sew double crochet squares to single crochet BLO ribbing? I’m a beginner, so suggestions are welcome :)Erika Maish vest pattern

submitted by /u/em8285
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/3HV1R3m
Best yarn for a swimsuit/bikini? Larger cup sizes?

Best yarn for a swimsuit/bikini? Larger cup sizes?

I have been looking around on YouTube for a pattern for a bikini I like. So first question, do you guys have a specific yarn brand/line you recommend for this, like something durable under the sun and sea? I’m fine with hand washing. Second question, my bra size is 36 i. My breast are heavy and I would prefer a sturdy band under the cups. Do you guys have any suggestions on specific patterns or methods? TIA <3

submitted by /u/likelyblue02
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from newest submissions : crochet https://ift.tt/3DWtRRF