weird feeling on finger when crocheting???

weird feeling on finger when crocheting???

idk if this sounds weird but when we crochet usually we put the yarn on our index finger,,, but i get this weird feeling whenever the yarn slides to my finger. and it's annoying because of it i have to take short breaks so it goes away a bit. anyone experiencing it ??? i tried applying bandaid to my finger so i won’t feel it but using bandaid is a waste. i know it's not numbness. does anyone hv a solution to this? lol

submitted by /u/pinkeuberri
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from newest submissions : crochet
Thoughts on a cheeseburger blanket concept?

Thoughts on a cheeseburger blanket concept?

Hi everyone. I've been mulling over an idea to make a huge blanket inspired by the mighty cheeseburger. But how would you imagine something like this working best? There's something about the colours of the bun, meat, lettuce, tomato, cheese, that I think would work well.

  • normal cheeseburger, scaled up to blanket size? So it looks like a huge cheeseburger?
  • or lots of thin stripes so it looks like a very wide multi layered Big Mac? bun lettuce tomato cheese meat bun lettuce tomato cheese meat bun lettuce tomato cheese meat, etc?
  • or something else?
submitted by /u/JEZTURNER
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from newest submissions : crochet
Question about blocking

Question about blocking

I am blocking for the first time my afghan squares. They should be 12in, but they all have about 10.5in when "resting". Should I stretch them to 12in when blocking? I have tried and this is possible, but I am afraid they will become either stiff or weird looking...


submitted by /u/Capicoo
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from newest submissions : crochet
Inspiration / pattern for blanket of squares and rectangles of variouss size?

Inspiration / pattern for blanket of squares and rectangles of variouss size?

Hi, I've been thinking about making a blanket that would be made of squares and rectangles of various size (some would be bigger, some smaller, some longer, some wider and so on). I've seen one or two blankets like that in this sub but I didn't save the pictures. Does anyone have a picture of such blanket that I could use for inspiration? Google images let me down... Thanks in advance and happy crocheting!

submitted by /u/Nerevanin
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from newest submissions : crochet
Joanns Coupons

Joanns Coupons

I stopped getting Joanns coupons in my inbox almost a year ago. I had two different emails that were subscribed to list and I used the coupons often. I tried to unsubscribe and subscribe but I’m still not getting any….

I do have the app but you can use more than one coupon at the same time if the barcode is different. You can stack as many as you want.


submitted by /u/AlexaxelalexA
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from newest submissions : crochet
Increase on a Diamond Mesh Stitch

Increase on a Diamond Mesh Stitch

I am working on freehanding a fishnet style overshirt using this and this tutorial, but I cannot for the life of me find a tutorial on increase/decreasing on diamond mesh. I've found a video on decreasing with the "honeycomb" mesh, but no luck with diamond. Any help would be appreciated!

submitted by /u/seraphimaredragons
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from newest submissions : crochet


In this thread, feel free to promote your crochet or yarn-related goodies!

  1. Please state if you are promoting yourself or someone else's stuff.
  2. Please describe exactly what it is that you are promoting.
  3. If you are selling or trading something, please let us know when that item is gone.
  4. Please remember that we are all equal here, so no downvoting others in an attempt to make your comment more visible.
submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from newest submissions : crochet
Crochet a skein of yarn for baby - ideas very welcome.

Crochet a skein of yarn for baby - ideas very welcome.

Hi guys, this is my first time posting here so I hope it’s okay. I have a baby (just turned 1, so a toddler now I guess) who loves my balls and skeins of yarn. One in particular he will actively cuddle up to and want to use to go to sleep. This isn’t safe, so I want to make something that has the right feeling but will be safe.. any ideas? I’ve considered making a very loosely crocheted pouch of some kind and putting loose yarn inside it so it feels fluffy, but I’m not sure ๐Ÿค” or maybe just make a chain and get it stuck in properly everywhere so there aren’t long loose strands. Any ideas would be extremely welcome - this boy steals all my skeins and anything I’ve made with the yarn doesn’t seem to have as much interest as the actual ball of yarn itself ๐Ÿ˜‚

submitted by /u/musepi
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from newest submissions : crochet
My First attempt at crocheting. I kinda felt intimidated seeing posts of finished projects in this sub. But hey at least I started. I started with this cheap crochet set I bought online since I'm looking for a hobby trying to stay away from social media. Will definitely do bigger projects soon.

My First attempt at crocheting. I kinda felt intimidated seeing posts of finished projects in this sub. But hey at least I started. I started with this cheap crochet set I bought online since I'm looking for a hobby trying to stay away from social media. Will definitely do bigger projects soon.

My First attempt at crocheting. I kinda felt intimidated seeing posts of finished projects in this sub. But hey at least I started. I started with this cheap crochet set I bought online since I'm looking for a hobby trying to stay away from social media. Will definitely do bigger projects soon. submitted by /u/Maleficent_Sock_8851
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from newest submissions : crochet
Simple Questions Thread

Simple Questions Thread

This thread is for simple, quick questions that you may have. This includes questions on crochet techniques, "identify this yarn/stitch/pattern", and tutorial recommendations. We all want a diversified opinion, so feel free to answer any questions (of which you can provide the answer). Since this thread is likely to fill up quickly, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from newest submissions : crochet
Europeans, where do you buy your yarn online?

Europeans, where do you buy your yarn online?

I'm trying to find yarn sites that have free shipping to EU. I want to compare the prices with my local shops to see which is cheaper.

It's getting cold and rainy here and I finally want to make something wearable for myself, instead of just knick knacks for my friends, because I can never afford more than one yarn ball at a time :/ So this is me hoping there is a magical shop somewhere in Europe with 1€ yarn :)

Thank you!

submitted by /u/BitnaNebitnost
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from newest submissions : crochet
Sites to order yarn from (Australia)

Sites to order yarn from (Australia)

Hello people, For my fellow Australian crocheters, where do you usually purchase cotton yarn from? I've bought all yarn from spotlight but due to the lockdown can't :'(. So just wondering if anyone has had any experience with any online stores and have any that they'd recommend. I've heard hobbii is good but unsure about their shipping times

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Nicybanana
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from newest submissions : crochet
Can I use Worsted Weight Yarn instead of DK yarn.

Can I use Worsted Weight Yarn instead of DK yarn.

I have a pattern for an adorable granny square blanket. However it calls for DK yarn which seems to only come in pastels where I live. So instead I want to use worsted weight yarn so I can use more autumnal colors. Is that something that I can do or that’ll be easy?

submitted by /u/MTFCoffeeLover
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from newest submissions : crochet
Maybe a dumb question, but are most pictures shown with a pattern already blocked? It would make sense because it shows the pattern better. Everytime I make something and compare it my work looks kinda wonky. I've been doing crochet for 4 months now so I'm no pro lol, just wondering ๐Ÿค”

Maybe a dumb question, but are most pictures shown with a pattern already blocked? It would make sense because it shows the pattern better. Everytime I make something and compare it my work looks kinda wonky. I've been doing crochet for 4 months now so I'm no pro lol, just wondering ๐Ÿค”

Maybe a dumb question, but are most pictures shown with a pattern already blocked? It would make sense because it shows the pattern better. Everytime I make something and compare it my work looks kinda wonky. I've been doing crochet for 4 months now so I'm no pro lol, just wondering ๐Ÿค” submitted by /u/Longjumping-Block685
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from newest submissions : crochet