Struggling with tension on triple crochets; Seeking references / advice!

Struggling with tension on triple crochets; Seeking references / advice!

Hello. I am an intermediate crocheter who has been trying to dive into afghans/blankets/etc and a lot of them have triple crochets, which, you'd think I'd have more experience with but I honestly don't. They are also very... floppy? A row of double crochets looks uniform and solid yet the triples look really loose and bowed out... if that makes sense?

Plus, if I have front and back post triples, there are HUGE holes between the stitches. I've noticed when I'm doing the final ( 3rd ) part of the triple, the stitch prior to it stretches out so I'ma ttempting to work them tighter... it just feels weird.

Is this normal? Could be a tension problem? Any references, videos, or advice on how to improve at these?

Here is a photo:

First row: ( the light brown ) is a 4 stitch cable using front post triple crochets with one back post double in between. The next row ( dark brown ) is 4 front post triples with one back post triple where the double was in the previous row. Hopefully that makes sense x_x

submitted by /u/LevYarnAddict
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