Sometimes you get to test a crochet pattern that brings you SO MUCH JOY! Doesn’t hurt that it worked up in about fifteen minutes. Check out #matildatheguinea rocking this new sweater from @pont_neuf_studio ❤️❤️. Matilda is working those angles! Get it guinea girl! CP on r/guineapigs

Sometimes you get to test a crochet pattern that brings you SO MUCH JOY! Doesn’t hurt that it worked up in about fifteen minutes. Check out #matildatheguinea rocking this new sweater from @pont_neuf_studio ❤️❤️. Matilda is working those angles! Get it guinea girl! CP on r/guineapigs

Sometimes you get to test a crochet pattern that brings you SO MUCH JOY! Doesn’t hurt that it worked up in about fifteen minutes. Check out #matildatheguinea rocking this new sweater from @pont_neuf_studio ❤️❤️. Matilda is working those angles! Get it guinea girl! CP on r/guineapigs submitted by /u/EMCrochet
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