Any tips/ideas about crocheting to sell?

Any tips/ideas about crocheting to sell?

Hi! So I have already done quite a bit of research on the internet about this topic, however I wanted to see what the masterminds here had to say about it. I'm sorry if there already has been a post like this that I missed, I've looked and didn't see one.

Some more info; I have been crocheting since I was 14 or 15, about 3 years, but have never attempted to sell.

I prefer crocheting smaller things and amigurumi stuff, I've never been big into making blankets or clothing.

The reason I'm looking into selling crochet stuff is because I'm trying to save up $1500+ within the next couple years, my goal with the money is to be able to help fund at least one of my best friends to come visit me once COVID has gone. On a note unrelated to crocheting, if anyone has tips about traveling from Bulgaria, France, or India to the US, or tips for young guys traveling internationally for the first time, please drop those in the comments as well!

So, what are your thoughts for small crochet projects that will sell well? Do you think earning $1500+ in 1-2 years time is realistically feasible from mainly crochet? Can you think of any platform other than Etsy that a first timer could sell on, that might be less competitive? Any tips/tricks that are often overlooked in articles about selling, that you think could be beneficial?

One of the ideas I had was to try to do some metal subculture related crochet items (as my username insinuates, I'm a metalhead), since that would be a more niche thing and might have less competition. What do you think of this?

And yeah just any thoughts y'all have on things that might be useful to know for selling crochet, especially tips that might be less common but still beneficial.

Thank you so much!!!! Have a lovely day :)

submitted by /u/aspiemetalhead
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